Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Ms. FPC, I Need Help!!

I don't claim to be anyone other than who I am, nor anything more than I am - human. I'm fallible, subject to the consequences of my own actions and I mess up. I am growing and gaining wisdom, but I am not the end-all, be-all, know-it-all of relationships. However, as a product of and informant to the people, I'll do my best to help readers out. Check out a recent session I had with a facebook friend of mine!

Q: I'm wondering, can I have a boyfriend and like someone else?

FPC: Yes! You definitely can lol.

Q: Well, that's the situation I'm in. What should I do?

FPC: Begin with the end in mine. What's the best/worst that can happen? No matter who you choose, if that's what you're puzzling, be honest. If you sneak behind your boyfriend's back, he'll feel betrayed and you could lose a good friend. If you lead the other guy on, he'll feel like you're playing games, and again you could lose a potential friend.

Q: They're both aware of each other.

FPC: I'm the wrong person to ask! Lol, I'll advise that you let it 'do what it do'. Honestly, at the end of the day the only person's whose happiness you control is yours. May I ask, who do you like more?

Q: I'm attracted to them both. Crazy thing is, they're connected.

FPC: I've been here myself. This special friend of yours should understand that his future with you is negotiable, that he's walking in on something that has a history behind it.

Q: My boyfriend and the other guy are friends. "New boo" said that if anything ever happened it's going to cause a rift in their friendship. God forbid...

FPC: Halt! Don't push the envelope and reveal the winner of this fight! The last thing you want to do is come between them, or have him come between something you and your man have forged. The stakes are obviously high and you don't want anyone to get hurt.

Q: True, you're so right. Do you think this new guy and I should be friends, despite the sexual attraction between us?

FPC: Girl, you're dangerous! You don't want lust to be the basis for any friendship with a man. Trust me. Stop while you're still ahead.

Q: Yeah, you're right. Thanks!

FPC: You're more than welcome hun. I hope everything works out for you and yours!


Am I the only one who sees hip hop beef as ABSOLUTELY ridiculous?? I know that a good feud can boost album sales or gain notoriety for both parties involved but at the end of the day, isn't it all a little LAME? Aren't you two (as in the case of Nas and Jay Z, 50 and Kanye, Gucci and Jeezy) GROWN azz men?? I guess it's true that some men only grow in age and physical mass, not maturity. Whatever... This here issue is one that many southern rap fans know all too well, one that many ATLiens have followed since its start - the rap battle between Shawty L-O and Teezy dem. Wanna hear how it started? Well here it is, straight from the horse's mouth:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It's pretty self-explanatory. Go Obama!!

In loving memory of every leader whose life was lost in the struggle for a better tomorrow.


Here at Fronta Yuh Covah, we respect your vote or even your choice not to vote at all.
However, this is a very monumental event in world history. This election extends far beyond ourselves, our own beliefs and political views. This election transcends much of what Civil Rights leaders fought to end. I thank you, Dr. King, and those who fought along with you so that we, the American people, could enjoy the freedoms we do.
Whether or not your ballot reads McCain, or you've "Baracked" the vote... we the people are here and we are making history.

A Sign of the Times


Somehow, between classes and a hectic work schedule, I've fallen into the reality tv trap. My show(s) of choice? VH1's Real Chance of Love and Scream Queens. We won't even go there with Chance and Real so let's jump right into horror-driven star search, Scream Queens.

I'm not one to pass much judgment on others. I promote peace, unity, and any kinda nunna dat shyt but SQ cast member Lisa So obviously lives by another creed. Her remarks toward fellow competitor were absolutely and completely racist!

I'm all for truth and reporting the facts as they happen but honestly my feelings were almost hurt by hearing the ignorant, stereotypical garb that left her little red lips.

"We look like crack whores... in Inglewood."

"...ghetto ebonics..."

Who were the producers of this last episode? I'm not one to protest or plaster my opinion across screens but you'd think censorship still owned its place in American television programming.
First Amendment my ass!! That chick needs to be out of here fast. I'll still encourage you all to stay tuned and support the things you love but she's definitely not on my list of relatable reality stars.

Appearances deceive, simple b....