Thursday, October 2, 2008

DEAR FYC: Who are you??

In response to Tosin's advice that we could use a dating/relationship guru I'm deciding to try my hand at the Dear Abby game. Here goes...

Hopefully you're wondering WHO THA HELL I AM to be dishing out dating do's and don'ts, or where I even got the initiative to do such a thing. Most of my close friends have divulged some of their dirtiest, downright most disgusting deeds to me in exchange, of course, for my own closet-full of skeletal remains. I'm no saint!! By all means I'm just as innocent as the rest of you are so this journey will be an interesting one for us all. What's important to me, however, is not the barter of horrid relationship or disastrous dating details but the fact that our experiences throughout life touch not only us, but those around us. Wouldn't it be great if we had the answers to everything, if we knew the consequences of our actions before they even happened? That's exactly why I'm here. I don't know everything but if I have my way I'll at least know the half of it and everything else that goes on! As an information junkie it's my job to not only absorb the news, the he-said she-said, and all other genres in the mix; it's my job to inform you of the world we're in. Some would call it "the blind leading the blind" but I'm convinced we're helping one another see the light. I may be young in physical age but I've always been told I possess a wisdom beyond my years. Don't call me Ms. Cleo. Don't call me now, later, or then but please do confide in me and allow me to share an educated opinion on your situations. Turn to me with any questions, comments, or concerns about the direction in which you're steering. I can be contacted via facebook as Miss'Courtney Danielle or email at Let's call this the beginning of a beautiful career, and a remotely close companionship. I'm Courtney, I'm crazy, I'm brutally honest and always available. I'm your Blogger's best friend :).

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